Item List
Bylaw Proposals
Greetings to All.
Per current C.A.P.E any changes to any C.A.P.E Bylaws must be provided to current members at least 30 days prior to the Fall training session which is now scheduled for 10/11/24.
The current C.A.P.E Board over the past several months have reviewed and attempted to update, streamline and have these new changes be more reflective and relative to the current membership.
These new proposed changes will also shortly be available on the new CAPE website for access if needed along with the current CAPE by laws .
The most significant changes are:
1. An increase of dues to $75.00 effective 1/1/25.
2. Any Board member/ C.A.P.E officer position will have their dues waived while serving effective 1/1/25.
3. Membership categories are changing effective 1/1/25.
4. A new position is added to the C.A.P.E. BOD for technology administration purposes.
Also some previous wording in the By Laws have been changed and or certain requirements changed or eliminated.
A review and vote to adopt the new proposed changes will take place at our 10/11/24 business meeting.
Also please keep checking the new C.A.P.E website for the most current information regarding the 10/11/24 training date for agenda, speaker, location,times and streaming options as it becomes available
Also note those who attended the Spring training, we have not forgotten you, the training certificates for that day will be forthcoming either electronically by email, downloadable on the new CAPE website, handed out in person at the October training session or mailed.
CAPE May 2024 Training
CAPE May 2024 Training
APA Standard for Polygraph Instruments
APA Standard for Polygraph Instruments
Professional Development Committee SOP
Professional Development Committee SOP
Peak Field Guide
Peak Field Guide
Constitution and By-Laws
Constitution and By-Laws